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Projects wooden bathhouses

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Wooden bathhouses


Wooden bathhouse is considered as classics of Russian architecture. Back in the ancient Russia in the V-VI centuries it was known that wooden bathhouses embodied environmental friendliness and healing properties of natural wood.


Nowadays the technology of wooden bathhouses making has changed considerably:  variety of building materials and modern wood-processing equipment allow making structures with unique architecture and design.


Such popularity of wooden bathhouses is the result of several reasons.


First of all, it is worth mentioning the availability of bathhouses construction from dry profiled timber.  

Construction of brick and concrete structures demands significant costs for consumables and labor not only when building, but also for further finishing.


The bathhouses from dry profiled timber in its turn are easily mounted, as all components are manufactured automatically with high accuracy, have smooth side surfaces, do not require additional finishing neither outside nor inside.


Eco-friendly features of bathhouses of dry profiled timber are of great importance.


The wood has a unique ability to hold the carbon dioxide.


If man-made materialsemit harmful substances to human health, the bathhouses of dry profiled timber create the ideal microclimate.


It is not a secret that bathhouses of dry profiled timber are always filled with unusual fragrance, which contributes to rejuvenation and healing of the body.


Bathhouses of dry profiled timber have original architectural solutions.


It is worth noting the insulation properties of wooden bathhouses.

The wood allows maintaining steam-air medium which allows avoidingheat loss.


Besides the bath of dry profiled timber has superior ventilation, because the wood has the ability to "breathe".


The bathhouses of dry profiled timber are constructed based on unique Finnish technology.

Only high-grade timber is selectedthat combines practicality and durability.


Coniferous softwoods are of great popularity as they fill a wooden bathhouse with pleasant aroma.

In addition, the pine bathhouses are resistant to moisture and mechanical damages.


Bathhouses of dry profiled timber shall help you reduce the level of fatigue after a day's work. 


The bathhouses from Belapari shall bring you joy and good health for years to come.


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